Thursday, 4 January 2007

Ancestors in Tammela, Tyrvää and about Häme

Fathers mother comes from Häme. Her roots lead to several old farms and country houses and can be followed until the middle ages. A central person in her story is a parish minister, Isak Mattss Tammelinus b. ab. 1630 in Lohja. He had two wives, one son and several daughters, who married to local wealthy farms. Isak's father was a parish minister in Lohja, Mathias Laurentii Forsman, but not much is known about him. Isak's mother seems to be a decendant of some wellknown medieval families in Finland, Brita Larsd Olkkala. Her father was a landowner in Vihti, and fathers mother from Gästerby in Sipoo. Brita's mother comes from Ekelöf and Teit families, whose roots have been widely searched until the 1500th century.
Other old, local families include Rekola, Nikkilä, Heikkari and Hasia in Akaa, Kettula in Sääksmäki, Rasila in Viiala, Paavola in Humppila, Lassila, Seppälä and Pehu in Loimaa, Juonikas and Isopere in Metsämaa, Suutela and Augusti in Somero, Lekka, Lukkala and Humalainen in Tammela.
One family branch has lived for centuries in Tyrvää, Skyttä and Kamppi. 'Old cavalry' Henrik Perss Ståhl came with his family to live in Tyrvää in the early years of 1800th century. Some of his sons married to local farms (one of them to Skyttä family) and others settled in Rauma to do business. Perhaps the family had originally fled from Rauma to Tyrvää during the years of hostilities?

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